Havas Creative Tours, DMC Operator in Brazil

Havas Creative Tours, DMC Operator in Brazil

Havas Creative Tours is a traditional DMC – Destination Management Company, and Incoming Tour Operator in Brazil, since 1989. We are based in Rio de Janeiro, with a staff of multilingual professionals, from where we cover all of Brazil.

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+55 (21) 2126-2700
Rio de Janeiro | Brazil
[email protected]
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rota das emocoes Tag

The Route of Emotions is one of the most beautiful tourist routes in Brazil. Covering the states of Maranhão, Piauí and Ceará, the route includes 14 cities and encompasses threeenvironmental conservation units: Jericoacoara National Park, in Ceará; Delta do Parnaíba Environmental Protection Area, in Piauí; and Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Maranhão. In Ceará we pass through the cities of Jijoca

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